Saturday, June 19, 2004

Lucky bastard

My cousin's on an all-expenses-paid tour in Holland and Germany for 3 weeks because he's with Rathskellar.

Last night, got so drunk, I threw up for the first time in about 3 years.

I forgot to mention that I watched MSSD's graduation last week. I was called to sub so it was like I got paid for watching the ceremonies. The reason I brought it up is because Marvin Miller, being a MSSD alum, was one of the speakers. He's the guy who is trying to found the first signing-based town, Laurent. He spoke about his plans for it. He isn't content with just starting a deaf town, he wants it to be a great town by any measure. I like that attitude. However, I have to wonder if Laurent would hurt the deaf communities in the rest of America. In fact, as much as Gallaudet University has helped deaf people, it has probably weakened the deaf communities elsewhere by sucking in so many bright young deafies. The same goes for RIT. I'd say California has the only halfway decent deaf communities other than those in DC and Rochester.